For question directly regarding the burn ban please contact the Wilson County Office of Emergency Management at (830) 393-8351
Legal Fires During a Burn Ban (pdf)
Wilson County Emergency Services District #2 (WCESD#2) is a political subdivision of the State of Texas. The District was formed by a vote of the people through a referendum placed on the ballot of the November 2, 2010 General Election. The measure called for the creation of an Emergency Services District to administer the provision of fire services and emergency medical services within a defined geopolitical area.
The formation of Emergency Services Districts (ESD) is statutorily authorized through Chapter 775 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. The purpose of the ESD is to provide funding for the administration and operation of local emergency services. Operations may be provided directly or through utilizing support from existing resources. The code defines the governing body, the roles and responsibilities of the ESD, and the taxing authority of the District.
The first five members of the Wilson County ESD#2 Board of Commissioners met for the first time in February 2011. The Board of Commissioners is created a new government entity, assessing the needs of the community, and planned for the operational, administrative, and functional responsibilities for the provision of fire and emergency medical services. Wilson County ESD #2 provides Fire and EMS services to approximately 39 square miles of North Central Wilson County. This is the only ESD that provides two services under one tax budget. WCESD#2 currently collects 10 cents per one-hundred dollars of taxable value of a property. Both Fire and EMS services individually bill for a number of calls for service.
Please contact the Secretary to inquire about appointment to the ESD Board of Commissioners
The Board of Commissioners welcomes you to join them in the monthly meeting that is held on the third Monday of every month at the William D. "Bill" Kenney Station.
We love our citizens, so feel free to visit Monday through Friday 8am-5pm.
Larry Phillips Station
11382 FM 775 Floresville, TX 78114
William D. "Bill" Kenney Station
191 Cimarron Dr. Floresville, TX 78114
On Duty Officer
Any and all records requests may be directed to: